Latest News


Autumn Term 2024 - begins 5 September

Advent Concert - 30 November - Holy Trinity Church

Carol Concert - 21 December - Old Parish Church

Come and Sing - Faure Requiem - 12 April 2025 - Holy Trinity Church

Concert - "Voices of Wales; Women in Focus" - 14 June 2025 - Holy Trinity Church 


Rehearsals now start at 7.30 pm prompt.

At the first rehearsal of any term please allow sufficient time to collect your scores.

We do have a short break, so please feel free to bring a drink.


Sharing Member Contact Details

Handy if you want to check anything etc, but also allows for ease of emergency contacting - forms available at start of term.  Volunteers needed as SATB point of contacts


Rehearsal Set-up

Members need to take responsibility for this - please sign up to the Rota

and thank you for those who clear away each week.


Volunteer Vacancies

We always have opportunities for anyone keen to see Cantorion thrive and continue.  Interested?  Then speak to Sue or any other Committee Member for details.  


 PUBLICITY - we need a TEAM­

Publicity Officer, Lynn Jones (Alto)  


Publicity is a vital role in ensuring that all our hard work can be appreciated by full houses. 

Some of the responsibilities could be shared - and you don't need to be a Committe Member/Trustee. 

SO PLEASE, if you think you could help in any way eg designing posters or programmes, writing pieces for the local paper, setting up distribution lists for posters and flyers or helping ensure that those posters are prominent in the local area then please contact Lynn or Sue.


Does anyone Tweet or use Facebook?  Would you be willing to spread the word about Cantorion and its music throughout the year?  We just need someone (or two) to use social media to give their thoughts on how rehearsals are going and what we are planning etc - not just ticket and concert info.  If you think you fit the bill, please get in touch at


Rehearsals ....

There are some links and information on the Practoce Aids page and the web is a great source for performance videos, so spend a little time and explore!


If you have missed a rehearsal please take the opportunity to check out what you missed so that you are prepared for our next rehearsal. 



This is the link to the  Rehearsal Schedule (only live when rehearsal in progress)